Applications for PhD and DSc programmes are open until 15th of October

Uncategorised Курилди: 7240

The Graduate School at Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) offers PhD and DSc programmes in two disciplines:

The academic year for the new graduate students’ cohort starts in January 2022. PhD and DSc programmes are offered on full time or part time (as independent researcher).

Graduate programmes at WIUT are offered in English, Uzbek, or Russian language.

Graduate programmes are based on:


Admission requirements for PhD:

Admission requirement for DSc:

Registration is open from 15th September until 15th October every year at

Please note: All candidates must also register in the PhD/DSc Admission system of the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan during the above-mentioned period at

Candidates may enroll for an “Independent Researcher Scheme” quarterly based on Resolution of Cabinet Ministers №304.

Admission and study at the Graduate School will be based on the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan: №304 (dated May 22, 2017) “On Measures of Further Improvement of Postgraduate Education” and №606  (dated on 19.07.2019) “On improving the system of targeted training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualifications”.

Please   visit for inquiries or more information.

You may also contact Nilufar Rashitova at Бу электрон манзил спамлардан химояланган. Уни куриш учун JavaScript ни ишга туширишингиз керак. or Begimkhon Abdurakhimova at Бу электрон манзил спамлардан химояланган. Уни куриш учун JavaScript ни ишга туширишингиз керак. or via telephone on +998 (71) 2387415.


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