Examinations and Interviews for Admission to Basic Doctoral, Doctoral Programs, and Independent Research

Scientific News Курилди: 466

On November 26, 2024, at Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), examinations and interviews for admission to basic doctoral programs, doctoral programs, and independent research will be held according to the following schedule:


Specialty Code and Name Examination Date and Start Time
Basic Doctoral Programs
08.00.13 – Management November 26, 2024, at 11:00 AM
08.00.06 – Econometrics and Statistics
Doctoral Programs
08.00.13 – Management November 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM
Independent Research
08.00.13 – Management November 26, 2024, at 4:00 PM


Examinations and interviews will take place in Room IB-121 of the Istiqbol Building at WIUT.

To observe the entrance examinations online, use the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82382219508?pwd=MfzzBB7nKohrWnAarw5IyOxxvLFdYd.1
Meeting ID: 823 8221 9508
Passcode: 696252


Tayanch doktorantura, doktorantura, mustaqil izlanuvchilikka qabul uchun imtihon va suhbatlar

2024-yil 26-noyabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi xalqaro Vestminster universitetida (TXVU) quyidagi grafik asosida tayanch doktorantura, doktorantura va mustaqil izlanuvchilik uchun imtihon va suhbatlar bo‘lib o‘tadi:


Ixtisoslik shifri va nomi Imtihon sanasi va boshlanish vaqti
Tayanch doktorantura
08.00.13 – Menejment 26.11.2024, soat 11-00
08.00.06 – Ekonometrika va statistika
08.00.13 – Menejment 26.11.2024, soat 17-00
Mustaqil izlanuvchilik
08.00.13 – Menejment 26.11.2024, soat 16-00


Imtihon va suhbatlar TXVU Istiqbol binosidagi IB-121 xonada bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Qabul imtihonini online kuzatish uchun  Zoom havola:


Identifikator: 823 8221 9508

Kirish kodi: 696252


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