On 3rd March 2020, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education (MHSSE) established PhD and DSc programmes (including Independent researcher scheme) in Management (08.00.13) and Econometrics & Statistics (08.00.06) at Westminster International University in Tashkent.
Researchers pursuing an advanced degree can register for PhD or DSc programmes for full time or part time modes including Independent researcher scheme.
WIUT will offer graduate courses such as:
- State or University funded PhD or DSc.
- Self-sponsored PhD or DSc (contract based)
Registration for both programmes is open from 15th September until 15th October of each year. Note that candidates may enrol for an Independent researcher scheme quarterly based on Resolution of Cabinet Ministers №304 (22.05.2017).
For more information about the requirements, please refer to the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers №304 (dated on 22.05.2017) and №606 (dated on 19.07.2019) and Supreme Attestation Commission policies.
For inquiries about the WIUT graduate programmes please contact Nilufar Rashitova at nrashitova@wiut.uz or call at +998712387415.