Full-time PhD student (2021-2023)
Education / Academic qualification:
- 204-2008 Samarkand State University, bachelor degree of “Economics”
- 2009-2011 Samarkand State University, master degree of “Labor economics ”
- 2013-2020 Samarkand State University, assistant teacher in faculty of “Economics and business”
- 2021-present PhD student of Westminster International University in Tashkent
- Economic theory; Tourism management, World economy and international economic relations
- Research and data analytics
Doctoral Project:
The title of the dissertation is “Management mechanism for sustainable tourism development in the region: problems, directions and solutions”Today, tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world and plays an important role in accelerating the socio-economic development of countries and regions and creating jobs. According to the World Tourism Organization, tourism will account for 10.3 percent of world GDP in 2019, one-tenth of the total number of jobs, or 330 million (319 million in 2018) jobs, or 10 percent of total jobs. , 4 percent of which is accounted for by the sector. In 2019, one in four of the total new jobs created worldwide will be in the tourism sector. The annual GDP growth of the tourism sector (3.5%) is more than the ninth consecutive year of global GDP growth (2.5%).Management of sustainable development of tourism in the region is a complex, multifaceted issue, the effective use of resources, which are an integral part of it, assistance in organizing the activities of tourism entities in accordance with world standards, medium and long-term government programs development and improvement, analysis of the results obtained within the framework of state programs. The use of targeted targeted programs as a means of tourism regulation is still formal, often the programs do not provide the necessary resources, the current level of tourism development does not adequately study the theoretical and methodological framework reflecting the concept of sustainable development.Scientific novelty of the research. The following scientific results are expected to be obtained as a result of the study. -Explain the scientific and practical significance of tourism management by interpreting the scientific definitions of "sustainable development" and "sustainable tourism"; -Analysis of the opportunities for assessing and managing the potential of tourism entities in the region within the framework of sustainable development standards, based on the principles of the concept of sustainable development; -Determine the effectiveness of the results obtained from the analysis of public administration programs in the framework of the concept of sustainable development for the development of the tourism industry of the region;
- Rahimova N., “Хизмат кўрсатиш соҳасининг иқтисодиётдаги ўрни ва ривожланиш кўрсаткичлари”, “Iqtisodiyot va ta’lim” journal, Volume 5, 41-42 p., 2012 y.
- Rahimova N., “Ижтимоий хизмат фаолиятини амалга ошириш ва уни ривожлантириш салоҳияти”, “Iqtisodiyot va ta’lim” journal,Volume 5,41-42 p., 2013 y.
- Rahimova N., “Формирование и развитие сферы социальных услуг”, “Iqtisodiyot va ta’lim” journal, Volume 5, 64-67 p. 2014 y.
- Rahimova N.,Eshburiev U.,Orzuqulova Z. ,Mukhtarova G (2020) «The Experience of Developed Countries in Implementation of Digital Economy Prospects of Digital Economy in Uzbekistan» “Journal of Critical Reviews” журнал. ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 11, 2020.doi: 31838/jcr.07.11.93
- Rahimova N. (2021) “World Economy and International Economic Relations”/ Manual training. Samarkand: Samarkand State University Publishing House 224 p.
- Rahimova N. (2021) “ТУРИЗМ: АНАЛИЗ ТЕНДЕНЦИЙ И ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВО УСТОЙЧИВОГО ТУРИЗМА” . “Servis” journal, Volume 4, 75-79 p.
- Rahimova N. (2021) “PANDEMIYANING TURIZM INDUSTRIYASIGA TA‘SIRI TAHLILI” Economics and finance” journal, Volume 9, 70-75 p.
Conference Participations, Scientific Talks:
- Rahimova N., Xusenov U. (2020) «Опыт некоторых стран по внедрению цифровой экономики: Перспективы цифровой экономики в Узбекистане», “Economics and Social Sciences” ECLSS online conference. May 20-21. Samarkand.
- Rahimova N., (2020) «Aqlli shaharlarda turizmni rivojlantirish istiqbollari», “Intercultural Communication and Tourism" international scientific online conference. 15 June. Tashkent. Uzbekistan
- Rahimova N. (2021) «Turizmda barqarorlik ko’rsatkichi boshqarishga ta’sir etuvchi omil sifatida» International Scientific and Technical Conference “Transport: Current Challenges and Innovations” 22 Aprel. Uzbekistan
- Rahimova N., Tursunov A. (2021) «The analysis of the tourism digitalization», “Management and service activities in the digital economy” Current issues of development / International scientific-practical conference materials. 23-24 Aprel. Samarkand. Uzbekistan.
- Rahimova N. (2021)“Перспективы устойчивого туризма”, “Таълим, фан ва ишлаб чиқариш интеграцияси асосида илм-фан ва инновацион ютуқларни такомиллаштириш истиқболлари” scientific online conference. 9 June. Uzbekistan.
- Rahimova N. (2021) “Turizm va iqtisodiy o’sishning o’zaro aloqadorligi tahlili”, "Prospects for the development of foreign economic activities in a period of deepening reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan: problems and solutions ” collection of materials of the republican scientific and practical conferences. 6 Aprel. Tashkent.Uzbekistan.
- Rahimova N. (2021) “Barqaror turizmning o’lchov indikatorlari”, Republican online scientific-practical conference of the Ministry on "Monuments of Buddhism - a new direction in the development of pilgrimage tourism". 12 June. Tashkent.Uzbekistan.