Part-time PhD student (2021-2023)
Employment and subjective well-being has been the center of Human Resource Management research for a while. A line of literature in business research has indicated that happy people, or people with high subjective well-being, are more successful at their work place. It has empirically been proven for well-being to have a significant impact on a number of areas in business aspects: People with higher SWB (subjective well being) make more productive workers (Oswald & Proto, 2014) Employees with higher SWB make better managers (Hosie & Willemiens, 2012), such employees are better for economic growth of their countries (Stevenson & Wolfers, 2008.) Business world has been quick at recognizing the ‘tangible’ benefits of workforce with increased well-being. The question remains as to what fosters the well-being values and how to manage them. This topic is especially actual at the age of Covid-19 psychological impacts, as well as automation internationally which is also being actively integrated in Uzbekistan. The experts in human resources field predict increase need for intellectual workers in the future as most manual work may be replaced by artificial intelligence and robotics. In the light of that there is even a stronger need to investigate into the well being and motivations of workers whose work is highly cognitive. Limited research is done in this field both internationally and comparative to Uzbekistan. The given research below attempts to address that.
- North American Journal of Psychology (impact factor - Scopus Index Journal) - "Against all Odds"
- Economics and Innovative Technologies, Vol.2021, No.6 - (Under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
- Zamonaviy fan ta’lim tarbiyaning dolzarb muammolari - Actual Problems of Modern Science and Education (Urganch State University – SAC approved journal) - Employee Well-being, Values and Financial Education
- “Шарқ мамлакатлари иқтисодиёти, сиёсати ва туризм” факультети “Ташқи иқтисодий фаолият ва туризм” кафедраси томонидан “ПОСТПАНДЕМИЯ ШАРОИТИДА ТАШҚИ ИҚТИСОДИЙ ФАОЛИЯТ: МУАММО ВА ЕЧИМЛАР (ХОРИЖ МАМЛАКАТЛАРИ ТАЖРИБАСИ)” ilmiy anjuman (December 4th, 2021, Tashkent) – Article – “THE ROLE OF VALUES AND CULTURAL VALUES IN COVID IMPACT: EXAMINING FRAMERWORS AND NEED FOR RESEARCH”
- Economics and Innovative Technologies, Vol, 2019, No4. ( Tashkent State University of Economics – SAC approved journal) - "Happiness of Employees as a matter of impact in Business. Useful discourse for Human Resource Managers in Uzbekistan"
Conference proceedings:
- O'zbekiston Respublikasi Davlash Boshqaruvi Akademiyasi huzuridagi Yashirin Iqtisodiyotni Kamaytirishda Raqamlashtirishning Ahamiyati mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy amaliy konferenciya (Toshkent, 2021) – Thesis by Yulduz Yakubova – Reducing Shadow Economy by Altering Behavioural Patterns, Perception and Values of Economic Agents in Uzbekistan. Case Study of Nudging Towards Tax Compliance Using International Best Practice.”
- Toshkent Moliya Instituti huzuridagi Zamonaviy Moliyaning Milliy va Xalqaro Dolzarb Masalalari mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy amaliy konferenciya (Toshkent, 2021) – Thesis by Yulduz Yakubova – “The Role of Managing Perception and Values of Economic Agents in Battling Tax Evasion. Useful Considerations for Fiscal Policy in Uzbekistan”
- Qarshi Davlat Universiteti huzuridagi Iqtisodiyot taraqqiyotining ta'minlashning ustuvor yo'nalishlari mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy amaliy konferenciya - «INNOVATIVE ECONOMY: PROBLEMS, ANALYSIS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS» (20-21 May, Qarchi, 2021) – Thesis by Yulduz Yakubova – “NUDGING PERCEPTIONS OF MASTERY AND SENSE OF CONTROL AS EMPLOYMENT VALUES IN THE CONTEXT OF TRANSITION TO THE DIGITAL ECONOMY, CASE OF UZBEKISTAN”
- Qo'qon Universiteti - O'zbekiston Uchinchi Renessans sari Harakatda: Etnomadani, Tarixiy va Iqtisodiy Aloqalar Uyg'unligi mavzusida xalqaro ilmiy amaliy konferenciya - Uzbeksitan on the Way to Third Renaissance: Harmony of Ethnocultural, Historical and Economic Aspects (September 23-24, Kokand, 2021) – Thesis by Yulduz Yakubova - Innovative Outlook to Creative Culture and Heritage Tourism Curriculum Design in Universities of Uzbekistan.
- Biznes va Tadbirkorlik Oliy Maktabi - “Raqamli iqtisodiyot sharoitida korporativ tuzilmalar va tadbirkorlik faoliyatini rivojlantirish istiqbollari” (23 dekabr, Toshkent, 2021) – Thesis by Yulduz Yakubova – “Managing values and perceptions of customers with the aim of improving their well-being. Case of banking sector in Uzbekistan”
Other Publications:
- Presidents Academy of Uzbekistan - INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE ON THE TOPIC “STATE HUMAN RESOURCE POLICY IN THE CONTEXT OF CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM REFORM: EXPERIENCE OF UZBEKISTAN AND FOREIGN PRACTICE ( November 15th, 2020, Toshkent) in co-authorship with O. Smagina and Sh. Kazimova – “Meritocracy and Performance Management Mechanisms for Government Employees in Uzbekistan”
- Conference Thesis under the Ministry of Education (October 25-26th, 2019, Tashkent_ - Thesis by Yulduz Yakubova “Modernization in education: Need for authentic assessment in Uzbekistan”
- Conference Thesis under the Tashkent State University of Economics (Toshkent, 2019) – “Employing ‘Nudge Theory’, using innovative behavioral approaches in banking sector of Uzbekistan”