Subject: Ataniyazova Zamira’s PhD Dissertation Defense
The next meeting of the Scientific Council numbered DSc.22/30.12.2019.I.85.01 (Westminster International University in Tashkent) will be held on 23th October 2024, where dissertation defense for obtaining the scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics in the “Management” (08.00.13) specialty will be considered.
Date: 23th October, 2024
Time: 4.00 P.M.
Venue: Samarkand room ShB-306, Westminster International University in Tashkent, 97a Amir Temur street
or via Zoom platform:
Meeting ID: 894 0546 8017
Passcode: 945356
Applicant/candidate: Ataniyazova Zamira Kamuljanovna
Title of dissertation: Improving Management of Corporate Social Responsibility in Uzbekistan
Supervisor: DSc, Prof. Islamov Bakhtiyor Anvarovich
Official opponents: DSc, Prof. Muradova Khusniya Muhiddinovna, PhD Gafurov Anvar Bazarbayevich
Leading organization: Uzbekistan National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Research area: 08.00.13 – “Management”
For more information about the Scientific Council (or Scientific Seminar), please get in touch with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ikrom Rikhsiboev (, +998712387462) or Dr. Nilufar Rashitova (, +998712387415).