Full-time PhD student (2023-2025)
Education / Academic qualification:
- 2007-2011: The National University of Uzbekistan, BSc Economics (branch wise)
- 2019-2020: Namangan State University, Diploma of retraining for Teaching Mathematics
- 2020-2022: Binary Graduate School at Tashkent Institute of Finance, Double Degree of Master of Science in Accounting & Finance (by research)
- 2023-current: Westminster International University in Tashkent, PhD degree in Econometrics and Statistics
- 2017-2022: Secondary school No. 3, Economics teacher
- 2012-2017: Central hospital of Namangan district, the department of Accounting, Accountant
- Data Analytics, Data Visualization
- Econometrics
- Gender economics
Doctoral Project:
The title of the dissertation is "Econometric Analysis of Gender Differences in Environmental Decision-Making." This study aims to explore the relationship between gender and decision-making processes concerning environmental issues through econometric analysis.
The objective of this study is to employ econometric techniques to investigate whether gender influences decision-making processes related to environmental issues. By analyzing empirical data, we aim to identify and quantify any disparities between men and women in terms of their attitudes, preferences, and behaviors concerning environmental choices.
The econometric analysis will involve applying appropriate statistical models to examine the relationship between gender and environmental decision-making outcomes. We will consider various econometric techniques, including but not limited to regression analysis, discrete choice models, and instrumental variables. These techniques will allow us to account for potential confounding variables, control for sample selection biases, and assess causal relationships where possible.
In addition to analyzing the overall gender effect, we will also explore potential heterogeneity in decision-making patterns within gender groups. The findings of this econometric analysis will provide valuable insights into gender differences in environmental decision-making. Understanding the factors that shape these disparities can inform policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in designing targeted interventions to promote sustainable behaviors and bridge gender gaps in environmental outcomes.
- Mamadjonova, S., (2023). An Inside Look Into Professions “Beloved” by Uzbek Women Yale Journal of International AffairVolume 8, Issue 2. https://www.yalejournal.org/publications/an-inside-look-into-professions-beloved-by-uzbek-women
- Khidirov, N., & Mamadjonova, S. (2022). Obtaining Higher Education for Women: Issues and Challenges. Economics and Education, 23(3), 198–205 https://cedr.tsue.uz/index.php/journal/article/view/527
- Mamadjonova, S., (2022). Why Women Choose Particular Professions More Than Others in Uzbekistan: Qualitative Research. Science and Education. 3(9), pp 511-517 https://openscience.uz/index.php/sciedu/article/view/4247
- Mamadjonova, S., (2022). Correlational Analysis of GDP, Female Unemployment Rates, Girls' Higher Education Attainment, and Other Factors in Uzbekistan. International Conference "Statistics and its application" pp 305-307
- Mamadjonova, S.,& Khidirov, N., (2022). Female Labor Force Participation Rates: Uzbekistan Case. The Journal of International Finance and Accounting. Issue
- http://interfinance.tfi.uz/?p=1910
Conference Participations, Scientific Talks:
- 2022: participant and presenter in Tashkent Business & Economics Conference (TBEC) organized at Westminster International University in Tashkent Speech topic: "Comparative analysis of female labor force participation rates in Central Asian countries".
- 2021: international conference organized by Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT, Silk Road Journal) and the University of Westminster in London (UoW) Speech topic: Are girls facing problems in obtaining higher education?
- ProjectsEconomic Policy and Research Institute (Cape Town)- “Evaluation of UNICEF’s Alternative Early Childhood Education (ECE) Centers in Uzbekistan” Field works