Part-time PhD student (2024-2027)
Education / Academic qualification:
- 2004-2009 Tashkent Institute of Finance, bachelor degree in Finance
- 2011-2013 Asian Institute of Technology, School of Management, MBA
- 2014-2015 The University of Huddersfield, Business School, MSc Business in Finance
- 2004-2005 NGO Daulet, Volunteer
- 2008-2011 Insurance Company Kapital Sugurta, Executive Accountant
- 2013-2014 Samsung Engineering Co Ltd, Accountant
- 2015-2016 Joint Venture Uz-Kor Gas Chemicals, Senior Administrator
- 2016-2021 UNDP Project, Task Manager on Income Generation
- 2021-2023 UNDP Country Office in Uzbekistan, Programme Associate on Inclusive Growth
- 2023-Present, UNDP Country Office in Uzbekistan, Programme Analyst on Resilience Building
- Economic theory; Financial management, Climate Change Finance, SDG and Agriculture Economics
- Research and data analytics
Doctoral project
Understanding the behavioral factors affecting the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in Uzbekistan
The title of the dissertation is “Understanding the behavioral factors affecting the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in Uzbekistan”.
In Uzbekistan, the agriculture sector has been an essential part of its national economy given its important role in the economy of the country. First and foremost, socioeconomic, and strategic importance in securing food systems for the nation and sustaining the livelihoods of rural populations. In addition, agriculture accounts for 27% of employment while consisting of 28.5% of GDP and more than 49% of the population resides in rural areas. (Uzbekistan Statistics Agency, 2021). Further, with adverse climate shocks, environmental risks, and mismanagement of natural resources in Uzbekistan and in the region putting the agriculture sector at a high risk. For instance, according to World Bank Report 2023, by 2050, water resources are projected to decline in Syr Darya (by 5 percent) and Amu Darya (by 15 percent) as the glaciers feeding the two rivers recede, even in the 2°C warming scenario. Forecasts project that a 2°C increase would shrink glacier cover by half and a 4°C increase would shrink it by more than three-quarters. Within that scenario, agricultural yields are projected to shrink by 10 percent without extensive interventions to improve water-use and land-use efficiency.
In this regard, it is extremely important to promote and integrate sustainable agricultural practices in Uzbekistan, especially in water scarce and highly salinized agriculture land in Karakalpakstan due to socio-economic and environmental considerations. Especially adapting agriculture sector to the climate change paradigm and unveiling the behavioral factors of farmers in taking up sustainable agriculture practices in the region is my prime goal of my PhD journey.
- Perspectives of climate change mitigation through carbon offsets in the agriculture sector in Uzbekistan. Author: Pishenbay Umirbekov,Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Tashkent 2017.
- Paper: Value Chain Analysis of Smallholder Farms (Dekhans) In Karakalpakstan and Its Implications for Income of the Households. Author: Pishenbay Umirbekov State Scientific Conference titled “New business model as a basis for economic growth and poverty reduction”. Tashkent State Economics University, Tashkent 2021
- Перспективы создания системы сельскохозяйственного страхования в Узбекистане на примере модели Tarsim 2023. Автор. Умирбеков П. Экономическое обозрение №12-284-2023(страницы 61-67)от29.12.2023ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЕ ОБОЗРЕНИЕ - Review.uz
- Agricultural Value Chain - Past Trends and Emerging Issues. Book.Author: Predrag Rajsic, University of Waterloo. Pishenbay Umirbekov. Chapter contribution “Climate smart sustainable agriculture value-chain in the Aral Sea Region of Uzbekistan”. (Outcoming) https://publish.intechopen.com/s/author-panel?c__chapterId=a09Tc000001CFHFIA4&c__uiState=submitFull