Full time PhD researcher (2023-2025)
Education / Academic qualification:
- 2012-2016 - Graduated from Westminster International University in Tashkent (Bachelor in Economics with Finance).
- 2018-2019 - Graduated from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Masters degree in International Management)
- Senior level consultant at international cooperation department of Public Services Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2019-2020). *co-organizer of a number of international events including the grand visit of Minister of Cabinet Affairs -UAE Mohammad bin Abdullah Al Gergawi to Uzbekistan and Minister of Public Services of Azerbaijan Republic - Ulvi Mehtiev
- Territorial sales manager at “IRBIS GROUP” (2015)
- Interpreter and representative of Avicenna Medical Travel in New Delhi (2013-2014).
- Project manager at UNDP/ UNV Uzbekistan (2013-2014).
- Part time IELTS exam invigilator and assistant at marketing department at British Council Uzbekistan (2012-2014).
- Economics and Finance
- International Relations
- Project Management
Doctoral Project:
The title of the dissertation is “Transformation to paperless healthcare: Voice-to-text enabled and blockchain based medical record implementation. (Advanced case of USA and Republic of Estonia)”.
Even though all other spheres of human activity such as manufacturing, media, and marketing employ the latest theories of management, the state of management application in medical processes has been ignored for too long. This is largely because most hospitals, ambulances, and private clinics still rely on the management practices of pre-industrial revolution period. There is also a shortage of doctors and specialists in rural and remote areas. The state of health, as well as the distribution of public spending on health care, also differ from region to region -so it is necessary to create mechanisms to control and overcome these inequalities. Out of specific problems, the research is focusing on effective transformation to paperless healthcare using the new voice enabled automatic speech recognition and blockchain technology based framework combining the advanced experience of such countries as Estonian Republic and United States of America. Preliminary review of the literature demonstrates the fact that this area of medical practice has not been approached from the viewpoint of Scientific Management Theory in the Republic since the independence years of the republic. Therefore, the research paper is demonstration of a well-established phenomenon in a new system to testing a hypothesis with no precedent in the literature.
- Установка связи между инфляцией и экономическим ростом в азии - Journal of Marketing, Business and Management.
Conference Participations, Scientific Talks:
- New Born Interest in Developing Innovative Venture Capital in Uzbekistan - Mamlakat investitsion muhitini takommillashtirish-O’zbekiston iqtisodiyotiga xorijiy investitsiyalarni jalb qilishning asosiy omili mavzusidagi respublika miqyosidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari to’plami.
- Rahimova N., (2020) Менеджмент в развивающихся странах - International Conference dedicated to the role and importance of innovative education in the 21st century 2022/ (https://t.me/openidea_uz)
- Rahimova N. (2021) Почему девелоперские проекты терпят неудачу в развивающихся странах - International Conference dedicated to the Role and importance of innovative education in the 21st century 2022/ (https://t.me/openidea_uz)