Part-time PhD student (2022-2024)
Education / Academic qualification:
- 2009-2013 Westminster International University in Tashkent bachelor degree of “Business Management”
- 2014-2015 City University London, United Kingdom, postgraduate course of “Strategic Management and Leadership”
- 2017-2018 Westminster International University in Tashkent “Postgraduate Certificate of Special Study in Teaching and Learning”
- 2018-2020 Westminster International University in Tashkent master’s degree of “International Business Management”
- 2017-2018 Republican Scientific Practical Center (UzSPIC) and British Council of Uzbekistan’s projects
- 2019-present - Senior Specialist in Blended learning (Teaching and Learning) at Westminster International University in Tashkent
- Labour market, Library activities, Total quality management in HE
- Research and data analytics
Doctoral Project:
The title of the dissertation is “The relationship between soft and hard quality management practices (TQM), students' perspectives, and organizational performance in higher education”
Topicality and necessity of the thesis
The education system is constantly evolving to produce educated and highly skilled professionals and experts who can keep up with technological advancements. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev stated that higher education system development is a priority task in chairs meetings. The number of institutions has expanded from 65 to 117 in the last three years, and the admission quota has increased from 66 thousand to 181 thousand. The technical and material base of the institutions has been strengthening. Professional training in 64 new specializations has commenced as part of cooperative educational initiatives with other countries. Professors' and instructors' wages have risen about 3.5 times[1]. However, the quality of education is still facing challenges. There is a high necessity in developing educational standards and arranging academic programs based on market needs. For instance, 55 percent of the 815 study directions do not match labor market needs. Textbooks for roughly 2 thousand disciplines are not available at universities, and the curriculum is based on subjects and areas from forty years ago and the sphere is widespread with corruption.
Moreover, the coronavirus pandemic also required quick implementation of technology-enhanced learning in higher education. Therefore, applying change management and innovation in higher education is in high demand in developing the quality of education. Top management of the institutions needs to comprehend distinct roles of soft and hard quality management in higher education (HE). There has been a lot of research in measuring the relationship between soft and hard quality management practices and organizational performance in the spheres of servicing and manufacturing. However, few studies can be found in the field of HE. This is one of the first studies in the field of higher education that incorporates a multifaceted perspective of quality management which could aid executives in comprehending the interrelationships and roles of soft and hard quality procedures effectively.
Research Question/Hypothesis
HO1. Soft quality practices have a positive impact on hard quality practices
HO2. Soft quality practices have a positive impact on students` satisfaction and academics
HO3. Hard quality practices have a positive impact on students` satisfaction and academics
HO4. Soft quality practices have a positive impact on organizational performance
HO5. Hard-quality practices have a positive impact on organizational performance.
[1] Uzlidep (2021):” President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chairs a meeting to improve the higher education system”, Available from: https://uzlidep.uz/en/news-of-uzbekistan/9360
- Utkirov, A., and Salahodjayev, R. (2021). Impact of WIUT library activities on labor market outcome, International Journal of Higher Education Pedagogies (IJHEP) 2021-09-29 | Journal article WOSUID: https://doi.org/10.33422/ijhep.v2i2.26
- Utkirov, A, and Shadmanova, L. (2020). Automatisation of References. ALTFL in Uzbekistan 3(20) pp.20-22. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347335140_Automatisation_of_References
- Utkirov, A., and Gulamova, N. (2018). Foreign languages teaching in non-linguistic higher education institutions, Teaching foreign languages and applied linguistics 4 pp. 405-407. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348295642_Foreign_languages_teaching_in_non-linguistic_higher_education_institutions_Teaching_foreign_languages_and_applied_linguistics_2018_year#fullTextFileContent
- Utkirov, A., and Akhmedjanov, T. (2017). Advantages of paper-based and computer English proficiency testing system, Technology of education in different languages (4) pp. 166-172. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348295526_Advantages_of_paper-based_and_computer_English_proficiency_testing.
- Conducted research on topic “Impact of WIUT library activities on labor market outcome”. Discovering current job market needs and develop LRC activities based on alumni graduates feedback:
- Poster presentation at LAC 2020: https://www.libraryassessment.org/program/2020-posters/)
- Video presentation at LAC 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4dEY1m5h8I&t=3s
- Seminar presentation at WIUT 2020:
- Conference presentation: Milan Italy 8—May, 2021
- Presentation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fN07dABveFU
- Description: https://www.dpublication.com/proceeding/3rd-wcfeducation#Table-of-Contents
- Full text: https://diamondopen.com/journals/ijhep/article/view/26
- Why Another Study on Motivation? EMI versus EFL Universities in Uzbekistan
- Presentation link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEsqE8xIluM
- Conference: http://conference.wiut.uz/conference-programm