Part-time PhD student (2023-2026)
Education / Academic qualification:
- 2014-2018 Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Langiages, bachelor degree of “English Langiage and Literature”
- 2019-2022 Samarkand State University, master degree of “MBA Global Business”
- 2020- present Silk Road International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, lecturer in Tourism Department
- Business, organizational behavior, Human Resource Management, Tourism
Doctoral project
It is known that any type of activity is built on the basis of management, because the goal of this activity is to be achieved, distribution of tasks to be performed, control of execution, as well as measures to protect and encourage the interests of participants in this activity in order to achieve efficiency, management organized and coordinated in the process. In management, the existing system in the economy of governments also has its effect.
Based on international world experience, Uzbekistan has chosen its own way of development – management on the basis of free democratic pricing system and market laws. Uzbekistan has decided to manage the market reforms step by step unlike dramatic reforms. Still Uzbekistan is considered a new sphere for scholars as management spheres of Uzbekistan has not been researched yet. The transition from a centrally planned to a market-oriented economy has been a major challenge for many Central Asian countries after their independence. Uzbekistan, like many other former Soviet republics, has experienced significant changes in its economic structure since the collapse of the Soviet Union. One of the most notable changes has been the emergence of family-owned businesses as a new force in the country's economy. The management family-owned businesses has been a topic of interest in the research context of Uzbekistan, which has undergone significant economic reforms since gaining independence in 1991. Previously state-owned firms in Uzbekistan have traditionally been characterized by bureaucratic and centralized management structures, with little regard for market forces or competitive pressures. However, since the early 2000s, the Uzbek government has implemented a series of economic reforms aimed at liberalizing the economy and improving the performance family-owned firms. Since then the number of family – owned businesses have increased notably especially in tourism field.
Currently as the government of Uzbekistan has created more opportunities for privatization in many sectors a new type of management – family-owned business is being emerged in Uzbekistan. Furthermore, the management strategy of family-owned businesses is considered one of the new, unsearched sphere in Uzbekistan, which is very significant for the researchers to research, analyze and further develop the scientific side of the topic. Family-owned businesses in Uzbekistan have traditionally played an important role in the economy, particularly in the areas of agriculture and trade and of course mainly in tourism sphere. Especially Small family businesses usually understand their local culture well. They use this knowledge to give visitors a unique and real experience. They share local cuisine, traditional ways, and practices. Non-family enterprises might find this difficult to do. What is more family-run tourism businesses, they tend to be more flexible in responding to changing market demands and shifts as well as consumer preferences. This adaptability management skill allows them to quickly adjust services, offerings, and experiences, staying relevant in the dynamic tourism industry, which experienced much during Covid-19 pandemic and post-pandemic period due to many changes in Tourism all over the world.
Nowadays as family businesses are very important in Uzbekistan, it has significant influence on Uzbekistan economy. As Uzbekistan is still in transformation period, private firms or individuals have owned not all sectors. Especially, most large sectors including transport, telecommunication and manufacturing are still regulated and owned by a government. However, the government of Uzbekistan is working on a new policy regarding to minimizing the share of government in businesses. The economy of Uzbekistan has been influenced a lot during past decades and most probably, it is going to remain in near future. However, it is planned to reduce the percentage of the state owned enterprises in Uzbekistan up to 30% by 2021, 65% by 2023 and 75% by 2025. By reducing the share of the government, it pushes to have more family enterprises in Uzbekistan. According to May, 2023 there are 47813 registered family-owned firms in Uzbekistan. These numbers are expected to grow in near future as the number of state-owned companies are decreasing.
In Uzbekistan management of family-owned business depends on the economic and political condition of the country as in this paper the socio economic aspects of family run businesses management in tourism are studied in which this period has different political and economic situations in Uzbekistan which will be discussed in first and second chapters. Under such market conditions in the study of modern management science that serves the whole society, in all areas of the economy management is important.
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(Eurasian Research Bulletin, Belgium, Peer reviewed, Volume 4, January 2022. ISSN 2795-7695. JIF 7.995) - -“New Perspective in the catering Industry and Development Trends”
(Pedagogical Sciences and Teaching Methods International Conference, Copenhagen, Issue 8, 15 December 2021. pp 422-427. ISBN 978-3605-86-4) - -“Business Industry of Wedding Catering”
(Scientific Approach to the Modern Education System International Scientific Online Conference, France, Paris, Part 1, 5 February 2022. pp 144-149. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5912012 ) - -“International Trade Trend in Uzbekistan”
(Journal of Academic Leadership, USA, Volume.21, issue 1, 2022. ISSN 1533-7812. JIF 9.862 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6374651) - -“Performance of Hilton: How Hilton Tackles the Epidemic COVID-19”
(Thematic Journal of Business Management, India, Volume.5, issue 1, 2022. Pp 25-34. ISSN 2277-3002.
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(International Journal of Business Diplomacy and Economy, USA, Volume.1, No 5, Dec. 2022. ISSN 2833-7468 http://inter-publishing.com/index.php/ijbde/issue/view/31) - -“Human Resource Management in the Case of the Company Loblaw”
(Seybold Report - USA, https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.7431691.svg ) - -“Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on Performance of State-Owned Businesses in Uzbekistan”
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(Journal of Tourism Management, New York, USA, 4 April 2024
Conference Participations, Scientific Talks:
- Research Support Centre, “Intercontinental Webinar on Building a culture of academic integrity with TURNITIN” (04/2021)
- TIKA, “Curriculum on Current Approaches in Tourism Education” (04/2021)
- “Development of a Sustainable Tourism Model – a Way to Increase Tourism Potential” international conference, Tashkent, March 27, 2023
- UniCEN- Research Methodology Workshop by American Council, US Embassy in Tashkent 2023
- “World Youth Forum” – Sochi, Russia, March 1-7 2024
- DAAD – visiting scholar, Konstanz, Germany, May 1-31, 2024
- AHLEI (American Hotel and Lodging Association) “Certified Hospitality Educator” (09/2021 - 09/2026)
- TIKA, Certificate of Achievement “Advanced Level Food- Beverage and Hotel Accommodation Services ToT Module” (Turkey) (09/2021 - Present)
- Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism“
Training on Tourism Services” (12.2021 - Present) - “Seminar on Tourism Promotion for Developing Countries” (China Aug 22 – Sep11)