Nasiba Mukhtorova
Part-time PhD student (2023-2025)
Education / Academic qualification:
- 2006 – 2010: The Uzbek State World Languages University, Bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpretation
- 2020 – 2022: Westminster International University in Tashkent, MA in International Business Management (Distinction)
- 2023 – present: Westminster International University in Tashkent, PhD Independent Researcher in Management
- 2011 — 2012: International Department of Tashkent Pediatrics Medical Institute, Personal Assistant, Translator
- 2013 — 2017: Grand Education Centre, Tashkent, Teacher of Academic English and IELTS Instructor
- 2017 – present: Academic Lyceum of Westminster International University in Tashkent, Modules: Basics of Entrepreneurship, Introduction to Management
- 2022 – present: Westminster International University in Tashkent, Teaching Assistant in Management and Marketing Department, Modules: Digital Marketing, Principles of Marketing, Marketing Strategy
- Tourism, Smart Tourism
- International Business Management
Doctoral Project:
The title of the dissertation is “Smart Tourism and Sustainable Development of Tourism Industry in Uzbekistan”.
The tourism sector has grown significantly during the past several years. Recent years have seen rapid development and adoption of cutting-edge technology in the tourist sector. The way visitors used to travel has drastically changed as a consequence of technological advancements, and these new developments can offer even more engaging and involved encounters. Technology and tourism are today unquestionably the ideal and most productive combination which has to be implemented in order to improve the tourism sector. This combination may be helpful when travelling, picking vacation destinations, and carrying out all other activities both during and after a trip. Technology's impacts are now so pervasive that the majority of travelers now plan their vacations online, with just a small percentage using travel companies for assistance.
This research investigates the smart tourism business and the way this sector positively impacts rural communities through economic diversification from a variety of commercial activities. The essential aspect of Smart tourism is that it is transforming as a result of the digital revolution. The rapid advancement of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has altered the conventional framework for the growth of the tourist industry and added intelligence to destinations. It is important to combine technology and tourism in ways that go beyond the typical visitor experience or development cycle, which structurally will change the tourist industry as a whole. The tourist sector is still undergoing a significant transformation since more advanced technical solutions are emerging. Since numerous studies have shown the significance of building sustainable tourism, which is more process-oriented and linked to controlled improvements that lead to better conditions, support or contribute to sustainable development. Among these studies, most of them recognised the potential contribution of Smart Tourism to improving the visitor experience, which leads to increased tourist flow, economic growth, and the effective use of resources in a location.
- A Study of GUCCI, the Changes in its Strategies During the Pandemic and the Consumers` Perception Towards the Brand`s Products: International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, 2021
- The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurs’ Success in Uzbekistan: Ijodkor O’qituvchi OAK jurnali, 2022, 21 – SON, p12-17.
- Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry to promote Innovative Teaching through Innovative Education Programs: 7th International Entrepreneurship Social Sciences Congress, Proceedings Book, 2022, p. 23-32
- The Role of Human Capital in Developing Sustainable and Smart Tourism in Uzbekistan: International Scientific and Practical Conference Devotes to the 105th Anniversary of the National University of Uzbekistan, “Development of Human Capital is a Factor of the National Economy’s Sustainability”, 2023, p 415-428
- Smart Tourism Triggers Tourist Minds – Do You Have the Mind to Mind It: Vallis Aurea, Vol.9, No.1(2023), pp. 19-36
Conference Participations, Scientific Talks:
- Business Strategies to sustain in Global Market: 5th - International Conference on Research in Humanities, Applied Sciences and Education Hosted from Berlin, Germany, 2022, p 146-149
- Internationalization and Market Entry Strategy of Apple Company: O’zbekistonda Ilmiy Tadqiqotlar Davriy Anjumanlar Respublika 47-ko’p tarmoqli ilmiy konferenciya, 2022, p 7-13
- G-Lokalizatsiya va uning Xalqaro Tijorat Maydonidagi Ahamiyati: Intellectual Education Technological Solutions and Innovative Tools, International scientific-online conference, Netherlands, Amsterdam, part 8, 2022, p 20-23
- The Importance of E-Commerce in the case of OLX.uz in Uzbekistan: Tashkent Business & Economics Conference (TBEC), Westminster International University in Tashkent, 2022
- A scientific talk on the topic: “The Role of Smart Tourism”: CAREC INSTITUTE Research Conference Theme: Resilience and Economic Growth in Times of High Uncertainty in CAREC Region, 2022
- A scientific talk on the topic: “Smart Tourism in Enhancing Tourists Experience”, American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, 1st Edition of the International Conference, Finance, Marketing and Operations for Sustainable Business FMOS Research Conference, 2023
- A scientific talk on the topic: “Antecedents of Perceived Enjoyment and its Influence on Impulse Buying Behavior”, The Great Silk Road Conference: Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Eurasia, 2023